Purple Penthouse Dad Hat


Rock your love for Purple Penthouse on your forehead. Our caps are perfect for sporting events, gym seshes, runway shows, golf outings, your nieces’ flute recital, meeting with your probation officer, or simply pulling up to your place of worship. When the national anthem comes on you can place these hats across your chest in solidarity with other stoned Americans. If you are losing your hair due to male patterned baldness these will keep you feeling fly! Who needs hair anyways when you have such a couture headpiece? When asked about our hats, Kenny Chesney said this might be the one that makes him retire his 7 gallon cowboy hat. Even Sia is considering hanging up her blonde bob to rock some of this fresh gear. If your grandma tells you to take off this hat at the dinner table then say, “Fuck you, Grandma, Purple Penthouse is my life”.